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There are many different ways to use baking soda around the house. For example, soaking your sponges in a solution of water and baking soda will keep them from drying out. It will also keep them smelling fresh. Using this hack is a great way to prevent fungal disease in plants and is very cheap. Just make sure to rinse them thoroughly after soaking them. This is one of my favorite baking-soda hacks.

Another baking-soda hack involves cleaning your washing machine. This substance will remove any caked-on food and other residue from your washing machine. When used on a regular basis, it will also clean your machine. This will prevent the buildup of soap scum, soap odor, and mold. Additionally, it will also prevent the buildup of deposits on your clothes.

If you are looking for an inexpensive way to clean your bathroom, you can try applying a paste of baking soda to your nose. You just need to scrub it on and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, wipe it off with a soft cloth. If you don’t want to do the work yourself, you can also hire a professional to do it for you.

Aside from cleaning your shoes, baking soda can be used to clean your washing machine. With a few drops of vinegar and 4 T baking soda, you can remove perspiration stains from your clothes and shoes. Simply add a couple of teaspoons to your wash machine, run it for about 10 to 15 minutes, and then put it on a cold cycle. And if you’re wondering how to make baking soda paste for laundry, here are some great ideas to try:

Apart from cleaning your oven, baking soda is also used to clean burner wells. It removes caked on food and grease. In addition, you can clean your bathroom windows with this baking soda paste. It can even be used to declog drains. And remember to leave it on for ten or 15 minutes before wiping it. This is one of the best baking soda hacks you can try out.

Another baking soda hack is to clean your nose. Sprinkle baking soda inside the nostrils and sprinkle them overnight. Shake them out the next day. Do not use it on leather shoes though. It is better to use it on canvas shoes or sneakers instead. The paste can be used to remove the smell of perfumed candles. And you can even make a paste of baking soda with a toothbrush.

Sources :- Las Vegas Escorts

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